Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Endless Zipper Pouch Tutorial - Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!

Hello and welcome if you are visiting through Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day or Creadienstag! Of course all the others are welcome too ;-). If you are new here, my name is Aylin and this is my little blog. Just have a look through my posts, if you are interested. You are very welcome to come back :)!

Hallo und herzlich Willkommen, wenn ihr über den Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day oder Creadienstag bei mir gelandet seit - sonst natürlich auch ;-)! Falls ihr neu seid: ich bin Aylin und das ist mein kleiner Blog. Schaut doch einfach mal durch meine Posts, falls es euch interessiert. Ihr seid herzlich Willkommen, wieder vorbei zu schauen :)!

So this is what I am giving away and what you can sew yourself almost with the tutorial: an Endless Zipper QAYG Pouch!

Das gibt´s bei mir und das ist, was du fast mit der Anleitung selber nähen kannst: ein Endlosreißverschluss-QAYG-Täschchen!

How to enter:

 1.  Just leave me a comment and say hi or if you like, tell me one of your favorite tutorials! I am collecting links to tutorials of others on my blog too - see here.
 2. Follower will get another chance :)
 3. Follow me on Instagram Nilya2001

Wie könnt ihr mitmachen:

1. Hinterlasst einfach einen Kommentar und sagt Hallo oder schreibt eine Eurer Lieblingsanleitungen auf. Ich sammle hier links zu Anleitungen auf meinem Blog.
2. Follower bekommen eine zweite Chance :)
3. Folge mir auf Instagram Nilya2001

The Winner:

I will choose the winner on December 14th randomly.  Make sure that I have a way to contact you so that I can let you know that you won :).

Der Gewinner:

Ich werde den Gewinner per Zufallsgenerator am 14. Dezember auslosen. Bitte stellt sicher, dass ich euch im Falle des Gewinnes auch erreichen kann :).

I also ship international! 
Tutorial endless zipper pouch / Anleitung Endlosreißverschluss-Täschchen :
In case you don´t win, just make your own endless zipper pouch. Just let me tell you, that this is of course nothing new, but I was asked if I could write down a quick tutorial about this endless-zipper-thing.

Falls ihr nicht gewonnen habt, könnt ihr euch eure eigene Endlosreißverschluss-Tasche machen. Lasst mich nur vorweg klarstellen, dass diese Methode nichts Neues ist, aber ich von einigen gefragt wurde, ob ich da mal schnell eine Anleitung zu dieser Endlosreißverschluss-Sache schreiben könnte.
You have to think about the size of your pouch - I show you the tutorial with the size of mine, but you can make it with any size:

Ihr müsst Euch Gedanken machen über eure gewünschte Täschchengröße - die Anleitung wir in einer Größe durchgeführt und kann auf jeder übertragen werden: 
main fabric / Hauptstoff: (can be Patchwork, QAYG or just plane fabric) 2 panels 9x8 inch or 1 panel 17,5 x 8 Inch
(kann gepatched, QAYG oder einfach nur Stoff sein) 2 Panele 9x9 inch oder 1 Panel 17,5 x 9 Inch

lining fabric / Innenfutter: 1 panel 17,5 x 8 Inch

batting / Innenfutter: 2 panels 9x8 inch or 1 panel 17,5 x 8 Inch

end endless zipper and zipper pull / Endlosreißverschluss und Schieber: 17,5 Inch + 6 inch = 22,5 Inch - it should be always 6 Inch longer than any size your pouch is going to be - better longer than shorter.
17,5 Inch + 6 inch = 22,5 inch - er sollte immer 6 Inch länger sein als die obere Seitenlänge, egal wir groß die Tasche sein soll - lieber länger statt kürzer.

Seam allowance / Nahtzugabe: 1/4 inch
In my case I ´ve chosen the option of making 2 9x9 panels, because I like it better for QAYG. Those 2 panels will be sewn together to get one panel 17,5 x 9 inch.

In meinem Fall habe ich die 2-Panel-Variante gewählt, da ich QAYG nicht gern mit großen Teilen nähe. Die beiden Panele werden dann an der Seite zusammen genäht und ergeben dann ein 17,5 x 9 Inch Panel.  
Mark the middle of the zipper and the middle of your 17,5 inch wide panel. Mark also inch on each of the ends of the panel. Then pin the middle of the panel and zipper together and pin the ends of the zipper foating down at the 1 Inch mark. Sew the zipper very close on the edge of the main fabric to fix the zipper.
Markiert die Mitte des Reißverschlusses und die Mitte des Panels. Außerdem noch an beiden Enden des Panels jeweils 1 Inch vom Rand markieren. Dann Reißverschluss in der Mitte fest stecken und an den beiden 1 Inch-Rändern die Reißverschlussenden nach unten auslaufen lassen. Der Reißverschluss wird dicht am Rand angenäht und somit fixiert.
Then lay your lining and main fabric right side to right side and sew them together.

Dann werden Innen- und Außenstoff rechts auf rechts gelegt und am Reißverschluss zusammen genäht.
Sew the sides together, be careful, that the zipper ends are inside and will not be sewn. Close your bottom as you always do with pouches... this is how make it....

Die Seitennaht schließen und damit aufpassen, dass die Reißverschlussenden nicht in die Naht rutschen. Den Boden wie immer beim Täschchen schließen... hier seht ihr, wie ich das mache...
Topstich the pouch around the zipper.

Den oberen Rand absteppen.
Put in the zipper pull (hope this is the right worde) and sew the end of it, so you cannot pull it out by accident. There lots of ways to do so, so try to find your way... you tube helps here too. Close the zipper to see, if the pull is on the right place, if not, take the pull out and try it again!

Den Schieber reinfummeln und am Ende zu nähen, damit der Schieber nicht wieder rausrutschen kann. Es gibt unterschiedliche Wege, den Schieber einzuschieben, versucht euren Weg zu finden.... you tube kann hier helfen. Den Reißverschluss schließen und schauen, ob der Schieber am Ende gerade sitzt, sonst nochmal versuchen!
Sew a little zipper-holder and pull it over the zipper end and sew it. Lots of ways to do the zipper end... this is my way... Mine is 2x3 Inch.

Am Ende braucht man noch ein Endstück für den Reißverschluss. Es gibt viele Wege dafür, hier meiner...Meins ist 2*3 Inch groß.
Here you go with your finished endless zipper pouch :-).

Und da habt ihr eurer fertiges Endlosreißverschluss-Täschchen :).

Thank´s for stopping by... / Danke für´s Vorbeischauen

Aylin ...

PS: linked with Sew Mama Sew and Creadienstag


  1. Sehr schöne Tasche ist das geworden.

    LG Nora

  2. I love that black fabric with white dress form beyond all reason. Where oh where did you find it? I've been in love with all of your pouches for a long time now. This one is exquisite! Thanks so much for the chance.

  3. hihi, das gibts doch gar nicht. Da habe ich die letzten Tage selbst herumgetüftelt und auch ein Tutorial draus gemacht *g* Ich wollte dich nicht nerven mit meinen Nachfragen. Egal, doppelt hält besser ;)

  4. This is so lovely Aylin. Thanks! I recently used a tutorial for a zipper cushion back from Adrianne at thewindyside.blogspot.com. It was fantastic.

  5. Thank you for a lovely giveaway and also the tutorial. My favourite tutorial that I use to make gifts with is the Fabric Basket tutorial on the Pink Penguin blog.

  6. Oh, what a lovely pouch! That fabric is gorgeous. :-) Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway! I don't really have a favourite tutorial... I do however have a large Pinterest board of ones I'm meaning to try out one day!! You can see it here if you're interested: http://www.pinterest.com/macska/random-crafts/

    macska at gmail dot com

  7. This is so great! I like the fabric fold-over basket here: http://monpetitlyons.blogspot.com/2012/02/fussy-foldover-basket-tutorial.html

  8. Hello! Nice tutorial! My favourite is this one: http://itsallaboutthefabric.blogspot.no/2011/08/over-100-christmas-gift-ideas-sewing.html

  9. Gorgeous! I love tutorials for bags with lots of inner pockets.

  10. Das ein wunderschönes Täschchen. Ich liebe solche Stoffe in schwarz/weiß. Vielen Dank für das Tutorial. Ich hoffe, ich kann bald mal ein wenig Zeit zum Nachnähen freischaufeln. Deinen Blog besuche ich immer wieder gerne und habe mich gerade auch in die Liste eingetragen.
    LG, Britta

  11. Love this - great fabrics!

    How about the envelope clutch tutorial (think it's from see kate sew)

  12. I'm now following with feedly.

  13. Thanks for a lovely tutorial! I have a tutorial to share:

  14. That's a super awesome pouch, Aylin! I like all Noodlehead tutorials, and Ayumi's Fabric Basket tutorial :)

    Thanks for the chance to win this pouch! Love the text fabrics and colours.

  15. I'm a loyal follower via bloglovin' :)

  16. your pouch is just so gorgeous Aylin - thanks for the chance to win it ! and thanks for the great tutorial too ! I'll be checking out your list of other tutorials as well

  17. I follow you on flickr, instagram and now bloglovin !

  18. I was so focused on what I wanted to say about your pouch that I forgot to put in my second comment for being a follower!

  19. That is so lovely, thank you for the tutorial and the chance to win

  20. Gorgeous pouch! Thanks for the tutorial too.

  21. Love the pouch and thank you for the tutorial. Another tutorial I like is from Noodlehead for her stand up pouch!

  22. http://salttree.net/2011/06/felt-pinecone-tutorial-harry.html/
    This is the tutorial I'm going to try next :)

  23. My favorite tutorial is the Ruffled Wristlet tutorial from Teaginny Designs.

  24. Your bag is awesome, and I will follow and come back to double my chances! The tutorial I have bookmarked to make is a round zippered carryall like the vera Bradley one I have. I REALLY want to make this soon! http://bryanhousequilts.blogspot.com/2013/04/girl-friday-sews-traveling-in-circles.html

  25. I love your pouch! Thanks for the tutorial, I just may have to make one for myself if I don't win this one!

  26. I really like the idea of the endless zipper. One of my favorite tutorials is the one for a bagsket.

  27. Great tutorial and great giveaway, thanks so much and happy holidays!!

  28. Great tutorial thank you. You sure are getting a large collection of tutorials thanks for the chance to enter

  29. enjoy following you on bloglovin. i have just competed this sewing kit tutorial and am pleased with the results

  30. Love this bag! And here's a tutorial I love:

  31. Oh how I would love to have something made by you!
    I love this binding tutorial - it's made my life much easier!

  32. Oh my IU love this bag. Love love love the fabrics you used ;-) Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  33. I am a new follower of your blog via Bloglovin

  34. I love this tutorial. Steps made simple.

  35. Thanks for this tutorial, these would make nifty gifts! And working on three remaining mini-quilts for BCG QAL! Thanks! artseedz (at) gmail (dot) com

  36. Very cool! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  37. Eine witzige Anleitung!
    Ich folge Dir auf Deinem Blog (Feedreader) und bei Instagram.

  38. Thank you for your kindness and generosity (even if I don't win)!

  39. Super cute!!! Love the black and white! whitclark24 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  40. This is really cool. And thanks for the tutorial!

  41. Halo! Ich kann Englisch, und ein bisschen Deutsch-also es ist gut Ihr Blog zu finden

  42. Love your fabric! Thanks for the tutorial.

  43. Thanks for the tutorial. Love your fabric choices!

  44. What beautiful dress form fabric! That alone is to die for :) Thanks for the tutorial also. I'm pinning it for future reference.

  45. Thanks for the chance to win and for the tutorial!

  46. This bag is so beautiful...thanks for the tutorial...I will have to have one of these. I love tutorials that SHOW and TELL. I am new and learning. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  47. I am happy to follow you on Bloglovin. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  48. Gorgeous fabric! Stunning! Thanks for participating! :)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. what a fab tutorial, love your little pouch!

  51. I love this pouch. and thanks for a tutorial to learn to make my own.
    thanks for the lovely give away

  52. Very dramatic. Just like my oldest daughter...

  53. I would love to win that lovely pouch and thank you for the tutorial.

  54. And I follow you on instagram too.

  55. Hi! Your zipper pouch is really gorgeous, beautiful fabrics & the quilting is fantastic! Thanks for the tutorial & for the chance to win.

  56. I follow your blog via Bloglovin, thanks!

  57. Great idea. Thanks for the tutorial. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  58. This is a nice tutorial. I really like new technique tutorials. Thank you for the giveaway!

  59. Awesome tutorial!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  60. Great tutorial! That makes everyone a winner! Love the fabrics in your pouch.

  61. I always check sew mama sew for awesome tutorials.

  62. That is so cute. Thanks for the tutorial. Here is one on making felted leaves http://www.craftstylish.com/item/10684/how-to-make-felted-fall-leaves-and-dress-up-your-autumn-wardrobe

  63. I love this! Thank you for such a lovely giveaway and tutorial! jphotopoulos(at)gmail(dot)com

  64. Oh I love this! so cute, thanks for the chance and tutorial!

  65. Gorgeous bag! I love tutorials for bags with inner and outer pockets...something I can use as a diaper bag and catchall!

  66. Love the pouch and fabric if I don't win I will definitely print out pattern so I can make some

  67. Love the bag, love the fabric!! Thanks for your giving!

  68. Love this pouch! Thanks for the giveaway! amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  69. Thanks for the detailed shots of the zip....I've ended up with little folds before.
    Fav tutorial would be this one that Cindy has just written .... I'm using it for my HipBee blocks.

  70. I've been following you on Instagram for a while...just not properly...but now I am!

  71. Sweet little pouch! One of my fave blogs for tutorials is I Am Momma Hear Me Roar. :)

  72. I love your tutorial and pouch. Thanks!

  73. I love that pouch - thanks for the tutorial, I can make one if I don't win!!

  74. Absolutely love this pouch!!! It is AWESOME!!

    Thanks for sharing the Tutorial!! :)

  75. I am following now...thru Email :)

  76. This is awesome - I love these qayg pouches and the wide-open ones hold so much!!

  77. I am already a GFC follower. Happy Wednesday Aylin :)

  78. really nice pouch! thank you for the giveaway!!

  79. Just love the fabric of this beautiful tote.

  80. great tutorial! and I love the fabric!

  81. This is so cute, thanks for sharing the tutorial.

  82. Oh, that is awesome!! Thanks for the tutorial!

  83. I really love the fabric on this adorable pouch. Thanks also for the tutorial.
    ramona_murray at comcast dot net

  84. great tutorial! gives me hope that i might be able to sew my own! danke!

  85. I love the fabric you used! Great giveaway!

  86. I love your bag and the fabrics. Thanks.

  87. Well how perfect -- I want to make zipper pouches for some girlfriends for Christmas and hadn't yet found a tutorial I liked. I think this is it! Thanks!

  88. Beautiful work! And I'm going to pin the tutorial for future reference, it looks great. Thanks for offering the chance to win!

  89. Wow, was für ein schönes Täschchen. Besonders gut gefällt mir der Stoff! Habe einen solchen noch niiie gesehen. Na ja - ich bin auch absoluter Näh-Neuling. Aber wenn ich das Täschchen nicht gewinnen sollte, muss ich mich vielleicht einmal selbst daran wagen ... du hast ja eine tolle Anleitung eingestellt. Vielen Dank dafür!

  90. This is really pretty. I just started sewing but I think this is still a bit beyond me - but I'll bookmark the tutorial for a later date.

  91. Cute bag! Thanks for the tutorial!

  92. Großartig, das du das mit dem "eben mal schnell ein Tutorial schreiben" gemacht hast - suiper cool! Ich habe mich neulich - noch ohne dein Tutorial - mal an diesem Täschchen probiert, so wie bei dir beim Nähen das abgelunst habe, das war vielleicht ein Krampf.... Danke für die super Anleitung, jetzt werde ich´s noch mal probieren!

  93. I am following you via google+ :)

  94. thank you for collecting tutorials. I pin most of mine to keep it in one place.

  95. Your fabric choices are so fun - love this bag and thanks for the tutorial.

  96. Great tutorial and love the fabric, thank you for the chance to win!

  97. Beautiful pouch... I love it! I like all the tutorials on Noodlehead. :)

  98. Thanks for the chance!
    mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

  99. I'm a new follower via GFC
    mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

  100. I'm a new follower on Instagram (@mrspalmer2008)

    mjp_0419 at yahoo dot com

  101. Cute zipper pouch! I have this saved on my Pinterest: http://www.ikatbag.com/search?updated-max=2013-01-22T11:26:00-06:00&max-results=7&start=3&by-date=false

  102. I like the zipper bag. I love to sew them.

  103. Great tutorial & pouch! Thanks.

  104. Thanks for sharing your tutorial If I don't win I will have to make my own!!

  105. I adore this fabric and would be overjoyed to win! Thank you for the chance!

  106. I am following you via GFC, thanks for the additional entry!

  107. Your pouch is delightful! I love the patchwork and the great fabric! This is one of my favorite tutorials for a zipper pouch: http://luannkessi.blogspot.com/2009/12/quilted-zipper-bagtutorial.html?m=1
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!

  108. Hi from Australia. Gorgeous pouch!

  109. thank you for the tutorial - I might get a couple made for Christmas.

  110. Well done you writing such a good and comprehensive tute. Thank you. Great giveaway, Aylin.

  111. I absolutely want to try your tute! I am in love with the fabric you used! It is wonderful. I have so many tutorials marked that I want to sew that I can't think of a favorite. Sorry;

  112. I LOVE this pouch!! This is one of my favorite tutorials.
    It is a little purse.

  113. I plan to put your tutorial to use! I've never made a pouch as zippers scare me...but it's on my long list of things to sew! Thanks for the chance!

  114. It's a lovely pouch and a great tutorial! This is a fun zippered pouch tutorial (though I always use ribbon as the contrast): http://www.noodle-head.com/2010/04/gathered-clutch-tutorial.html

  115. i love the fabric basket tutorial on kelby sews blog.

  116. Such a cute bag & thanks for the tutorial!


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