Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Splendid Sampler - 100 Blocks and a Give-A-Way / 100 Blöcke und ein Give-A-Way

Almost a year ago Jane Davidson - Quiltjane and Pat Sloan asked me to join the The Splendid Sample - I am so happy to be part of this project.  The free tutorials will be open for some days but you can already order the book.

Vor fast einem Jahr haben Jane Davidson - Quiltjane und Pat Sloan mich gefragt, ob ich beim The Splendid Sampler mitmachen will. Ich bin so glücklich, Teil dieses tollen Projekts zu sein.
Now the block 100 is released and lots of you already finished a whole top. So cool! Wonderful designers and participans joined this wonderful time. The free tutorials will be open for some days but you can already order the book.
Nun ist der 100. Block erschienen und viele von Euch haben echt schon ein komplettes Top fertig, wie cool! Wunderbare Designer und Teilnehmer haben eine tolle Zeit gehabt. Die freien Tutorials werden noch ein paar Tage verfügbar sein, aber das Buch kann man jetzt schon bestellen.
Just for a review - this was my block I designed.
Nur als kleiner Rückblick - das war mein Block, den ich designed habe.
Those who know me a bit will not be astonished, that I created a ball, circle, bubble or however you will call this - I call it "Balls in the Air". Maybe this is because I made sports with balls my whole life. Also I always have so many things at the same time, that I alway hope to get my balls all in the air :). It was so much fun to design this block. I would be happy to see your version of block #39
Die, die mich schon ein wenig kenne, sind bestimmt nicht überrascht, dass das hier ein Kreis, Bubble, Ball oder wie ihr es auch nennen wollt - ich nenne es "Alle Bälle in der Luft halten" -, geworden ist. Wahrscheinlich, weil ich mit Ballsport aufgewachsen bin. Aber auch, weil ich immer so viele Themen gleichzeitig habe, dass ich immer hoffe, die Bälle alle in der Luft halten zu können :).  Es hat super viel Spaß gemacht, den Block zu designen. Würde mich riesig freuen, eure Version von Block #39 zu sehen. 

Don´t miss to hop over to The Splendid Sampler Webpage to see all those wonderful blocks and to enter the Give-A-Way for celebrating the 100 blocks. 

Verpasst nicht, euch auf der Webseite von The Splendid Sampler die tollen genähten Blöcke anzuschauen und außerdem noch beim Gewinnspiel zum Abschluss der 100 Blöcke mitzumachen.

You can also find wonderful pictures on facebook in the Splendid Samper group  (over 25K members) like the once you can see here:
Auch könnt ihr tolle Bilder auf Facebook in der Splendid Sampler Gruppe  (über 25 Tausend Mitglieder) wie denen hier unten sehen:

To celebrate this wonderful event I will offer you also a GIVE-A-WAY - please leave a comment and tell me if you are joining a QAL just now and if yes which one.
Two of you can win 3 of my pattern (choose which one) - One person can win 5 pattern in English and another one 3 pattern in German. The winners will be chosen randomly on Monday February 20. Good luck!
Zu diesem tollen Ereignis gibt´s auch von mir ein GIVE-A-WAY. Ich verlose zweimal 3 meiner Anleitungen (die ihr frei wählen könnt) - einmal 3 Anleitungen auf englisch und ein weiteres mal 3 Anleitungen auf deutsch. Ihr müsst nur einen Kommentar hinterlassen und mir erzählen, ob ihr gerade an einem Quilt-A-Long teilnehmt. Die Gewinner werden am Montag 20.02. ausgelost ausgewählt. Viel Glück!
Have a great week...

Euch eine tolle Woche...


 PS: SORRY FOR THE BAD LAYOUT, but blogger doesn´t want like I do today :(


  1. I love quilt-alongs and will most definitely be joining another!!

  2. I have just joined Maureen Cracknell's Bee Social quilt along. Loved your block, Aylin. It was tricky to piece but very satisfying.

  3. I am currently doing Pat Sloan's I Love to Make Quilts and also Jacquelynn Steve's Mystery BOM...they are so much fun!! :) I loved making your beach ball quilt block....it was fun!! Thanks for the opportunity to make it!

  4. Hi, my dear...
    I'm finishing two QAL, The 1930's Farmer's Wife and "Summer Soltise"...
    And you KNOW I love your patterns...
    Nicole aka Saphre1964

  5. Your block was great to make - thank you.... I am doing a sewalong for a hand reverse applique quilt called Dutch treat....and also a Rainbow Scrap Challenge - I find they keep up my enthusiasm

  6. I have still some blocks to finish from splendid sampler. But will shure enter another one. It was great experience. And I love your block

  7. I just joined a BOM from a quilt shop I visited with some friends today. Its a bit of a ride to get there each month, but the shop owner is willing to mail them to me! awesome!

  8. I just finished putting my top together from Pat Sloan's BOM last year. My thanks to all you designers for doing The Splendid Sampler.

  9. Your block was a challenge and I enjoyed making it. I really enjoy quilt alongs. In addition to finishing the Splendid Sampler, I am participating in two of Pat Sloan's: Solstice and Children's Library.

  10. Love your block. I plan on finishing the Splendid Sampler and several other projects. My contact email link is near the top of the left sidebar of my blog.

  11. I am doing Katja Marek''s Millifiore quilt along. It has ended, but I have just started!

  12. hi - thank you for being a part of The Splendid Sampler. Enjoyed your block - challenging since I had never attempted Paper-Piecing before this QAL. The Splendid Sampler was my first and since I enjoyed it so much I am now participating in Pat Sloan's Solstice Challenge and The Children's Library.

  13. I'm doing a couple of the quilt alongside currently but have only recently started! Good luck everyone! angielovesgary2 atgmaildotcom

  14. Your block was one of my absolute favourites! Challenging but so rewarding! Currently doing Amy Gibson's QAL for her new book, Quilt Block Cookbook!

  15. I'm attempting a Modern Quilt-Along and an Improv quilt-along, now that I have completed The Splendid Sampler and am feeling quite up for new challenges!

  16. I'm not part of a QAL right now. Maybe when I finish the remainder of the Splendid blocks.

  17. I'm following along with 7 QALs but I'm actually up-to-date with sewing only one of them. You can find it here: http://quiltdoodledesigns.blogspot.ca/p/bom-2017.html

  18. I meet with a group of quilting friends every week. Yesterday we had a heart block swap. We decided we would all try to get our friendship quilts made by mid April. Love the Splendid Sampler quilts!

  19. I'm finishing up the Splendid Sampler, and recently started Pat Sloans Summer Solstice quilt a long - only one block a week for a while!

  20. I'm on month 2 of the Halo Medallion by Sue Garman through The Quilt Show. Sue taught me how to needle turn applique back in August of 2015. Shortly after she found out she had stage 4 lung cancer. She passed away in January and I'm making this quilt in honor of this amazing quilter & designer. Heartbroken the quilting world has lost an amazing lady. I was blessed and honored to see her one last time at the International Quilt Show in Houston in Nov. (Splendid Sampler is on my To Do List!!!!) Thank you ladies!

  21. This was my firs QAL - what fun!! I would certainly join another when I see one that appeals to me.

  22. I have never joined a QAL. I'm worried I wounldnt keep up! I love your bubbles quilt!

  23. I am currently working on the Sewcial Sampler Bee QAL hosted by Maureen Cracknell and Sharon Holland.

  24. I am not doing any QAL this year. Hard to stay organized.

  25. Ich mache beim 6 Köpfe - 12 Blöcke mit, allerdings wieder im Mini-Format wie bei deinem Christmas Tree. Der häbgt übrigens immer noch an unserer Wohnungstür, weil ich mich einfach zu sehr jedesmal darüber freue, wenn ich an ihm vorbeikomme.
    Und ich mache noch beim Taschen sew along 2017 mit. Ist zwar kein QAL, aber auch eine Jahresaufgabe.
    liebe Grüße und vielen Dank für die Verlosung!

  26. Ich nähe beim BerninamedaillonQAL mit und beim 6Köpfe12Blöcke MysteryQAL, außerdem bin ich einen Dear Jane am nähen und habe alle Blöcke des Stonefields Quilt fertig genäht. Bei dem Stonefields Quilt muss ich warten bis meine Designwand, an dem ein KaleidoskopQuilt hängt, frei wird. Ich liebe QALs und Mysterys, man hat immer genügend Zeit um an etwas anderem weiter zunähen.
    Liebe Grüße

  27. I love the pace of a quilt a long...I'll be joining in aurifils quilt a long this year - and definitely because the lovely designer Janet Clare did the first block ;)

  28. I joined Pat's Winter Solstice quilt along.

  29. I am late to the game but will keep plugging along!

  30. Hi. No. At this point I will not be joining a QAL. I want to work on the Splendid Sampler (56 done + 1 bonus block), work on my son's High School graduation quilt and work on two other UFO's!!

  31. I hope to join a QAL in the near future. Just recently retired and am now ready to enjoy my love of quilting.

  32. Oh I have already joined in on other quilt-alongs :) They are great fun!

  33. I love quilt alongs, but first I think after I put my top together I am going to go over to Leah Day's Free Motion Quilting Project site to find some fun quilting patterns for quilting my Splendid Sampler quilt. I was challenged by your circle block, but also very happy how mine came out! Thank you.

  34. I'm quilting along with Pat Sloan's Solstice, so much fun sewing!

  35. I will finish SS first, but then I will find another QAL! Thanks!

  36. I am currently working on Pat Sloan's Winter Solstice challenge. Plus, I am getting ready to start Pat Sloan's children's library mystery quilt sew along.

  37. Thanks for your Balls in the Air designer and for a SS giveaway. I had sew much fun doing the SS mystery quilt, sew I joined Pat Sloan's Solstice Challenge. We are doing block 9 out of 25 during the winter solstice...sew much fun!

  38. After I finish my splendid sampler I will join one of Pat Sloan's quilt along, probably the children's Library

  39. Zur Zeit mache ich bei keinem Quiltalong mit, da ich zu viele angefangene Projekte liegen habe. Die Blöcke des Splendid Sampler habe ich aber gespeichert, damit ich sie später mal nähen kann. Das Layout von Melissa fefält ausgesprchen gut.
    LG, Britta

  40. I haven't finished all my blocks yet but I will try another quilt along.

  41. Hi. I'm currently working on Finish-along to try to get some quilt tops finished but would love to do a QAL later in the year. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  42. Love, loved the journey. I am no longer intimidated by PP or Applique blocks. What a great idea to do this as a great big Quilt a long. The other quilters inspired me in so many ways. I also learned the importance of color placement. So glad I participated. I have 108 blocks now ready to put into multiple tops.

  43. I accomplished your block! I am continuing on with the Splendid Sampler as I didn't complete all blocks yet. I am so participating in Pat Sloan's Solstice.

  44. Wow, the memories I have about Balls in the Air! LOL Thank you for giving us this fun challenge & I'm proud that I made it! I've just recently started the Dear Jane quilt along & still working on the All in a Row with a small group of friends.

  45. I love quilt alongs I am doing two now will join more as the year goes one. I love quilting.

  46. This is my first QAL and I had so much fun. I will certainly join another but need to finish some UFO's.

  47. Auch ich mache bei 6Köpfe12 Blöcke mit und beim Sarahfielkebom2017. Immer schön dranbleiben. Sowas macht irre Spaß

  48. I'm working on several QAL's right now - maybe too many!

  49. Not doing a QAL right now. I always fall behind when I do one!

  50. I am involved in several QAL's right now, so don't plan to join another right away.

  51. I am involved in several QAL's right now, so don't plan to join another right away.

  52. I have just started the Splendid sampler and i am doing Pat Sloans Solstice QAL.

  53. I am doing Pat Sloan's Solstice Challenge and the Milky Way Sampler block of the month. thank you I loved your ball block!

  54. I do quilt alongs, just finishing the meadow mist mystery. Think I will do the Maureen Cracknell Besewcial next as well as working away at the splendid blocks.

  55. I am still working on my Splendid Sampler. Doing you block made me spit nails but I loved it when it was done.

  56. I have done several quilt alongs but have more 'pressing' projects to complete right now keeping me from joining a new one.

  57. Still finishing the Splendid Sampler (including your block!) and also doing the American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge, Pat Sloan's Children's library and Solstice Challenge QALs.

  58. I am doing "The Project of Doom", Pat's Solstice QAL, Aurifil blocks,and Splendid Sampler, and....

  59. Hi Aylin, vielen dank fur dein Block! I have my eye on the Solstice QAL, but think I will finish the Splendid Sampler blocks first. I loved paper piecing your Balls in the Air :)

  60. Such an awesone prize! I'm working on Pat Sloan's Children's Storybook QAL

  61. I'm not involved in any sewing at the moment...waiting for my sewing room to get renovated. So i must be patient.

  62. I am trying to decide which QAL to join next! Loved the block you designed. Very hard but satisfying.

  63. Im Moment mache ich bei dem 6Köpfe12Blöcke QAL mit. Bei mehr nicht, weil ich noch ungequiltete Tops liegen habe...Deine Blöcke sehen immer wieder toll aus!

  64. I loved your block! I am trying to finish last years quilts and then I will do another bom

  65. Ich mache bei keinem QAL mit und habe ich auch noch nie. Vielleicht mache ich es irgendwann mal, keine Ahnung.
    Ich glaub, ich näh lieber so ohne äußeren Druck vor mich hin.
    Herzliche Grüße
    Claudia Z.

  66. Hi Aylin. Your block is so creative. I started the Splendid Sampler at the very beginning but only completed 18, then life got in the way. I have all the patterns and am happy that the Splendid Sampler is continuing. Eventually I will get your splendid block made. I am not joining any other QAL at this time. Thank you for your part in the splendid sampler!

  67. I did two QALs last year, the Splendid Sampler and the Tula Pink 100 blocks. I'm finishing up those this year! I've also joined Sarah Fielke's QAL this year. Just one to do!

  68. I love your Balls in the Air block - so challenging for me! Thank you for your participation in this worldwide quilting bee! I have already started a QAL - Pat Sloan's Solstice Challenge. Now if I can just keep those "balls in the air"!

    Corinne in Forks, WA, USA

  69. I have just finished the Meadow Mist qal and need to get it quilted. It was great fun. Thanks you for your block!

  70. I am not currently participating in a quilt along. I do enjoy following blog post about different ones, though.

  71. I am not in a quilt along but am currently looking for one to be apart of.

  72. At the moment as close to a quilt along as I'm currently in is the splendid sampler as I have yet to finish. But hey once I can get back to quilting and finish I'll be looking for more projects to do.

  73. One of our local quilt shops is hosting a quilt of the month this year. Each month they are offering a pattern for a new quilt for $1. Those of us who signed up in January are eligible for a 20% discount of the kit available in the current month. I picked up my January pattern & fell in love with the fabrics in the kit, so of course I had to buy that too... :) This could be a very expensive quilt along, but so far, I'm impressed!

  74. I only got three blocks done on the Splendid Sampler. I plan on continuing with it once the book comes out. Your patterns look lovely and I would love the chance to win some. Thanks.

  75. This is the first internet Quilt Along that I've joined and I've really enjoyed following. Like so many of my Splendid friends, I've started but have a long way to go. Love you block!

  76. I'm currently in Aurifil BOM and Solstice Challenge and Children's Literature BOM. Hosted and/or owned by Pat Sloan. Great teacher!

  77. I'm still working on the Splendid quilt along but will definitely join another. I will be starting a quilt for my sister soon and will join a QAL after tha is finished.

  78. Your block was a challenge but with perseverance I survived and made it! You have inspired me to attempted more detalied paper piecing. Thank you!

  79. I LOVED your block! I have my top done :) I am doing no QALs this year. I did too many last year and now I have joined the Finish-A-Long because I just need to finish projects.

  80. I still have blocks to do from the Splendid sampler....that may take me a while to do.

  81. I just finished my blocks from the Modern HST sampler quilt so I have 2 sampler quilts to finish. I'm doing the Solstice Challenge QAL, and am about to start on blocks for the patchwork QAL (fat quarter shop) and Alyce Blyth's Milky Way QAL.

  82. I have joined Maureen Cracknell's Bee Social quilt along.

  83. I'm contemplating doing the Solstice Challenge or Maureen Cracknell's Bee Social QAL

  84. YES!! I joined the Solstice and Pat Sloan's Children's Library.... still working my way through the Splendid Sampler.

  85. I am working on finishing my splendid sampler quilt, and I started Pat Sloan's solstice quilt along.

  86. Although this was a fun experience, I won't be joining another QAL for quite some time. I fell too far behind on other projects :(

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. I am not doing one now, but I love them.

  89. I am at present still working on 2 QAL's. Can't start another yet. Thanks for your input into the splendid sampler quilt along.

  90. I have just joined the NQC (national quilters circle) block challenge. There are nine block, one per week, and they had a picture of the finished quilt in their email requesting people to join. This one will be easier to pick out fabric for - I'm going to make a quilt with my Christmas fabrics.

  91. Thank you for your block in the Splendid Sampler, Balls in the Air! It is great. Thank you for being a Special Designer! I loved theSplendid Sampler, and I'm now doing the Summer Solstice and the Children's Nursery Tales Block both with Pat Sloan... I hope to have many good times to come!

  92. Thank you Aylin. I am hoping Alyssa Thomas will start a QAL with her embroidered animal alphabet. The SS has reminded me how much I love embroidery.

  93. Aylin, your block was challenging but I love it and am happy with how mine turned out. I do love paper piecing and would sign up for a QAL that was all paper piecing. Now I will work on Pat Sloan's Soltice, which is less blocks.

  94. Your block was tricky!! I said at first I wasn't going to do it, but I I did and loved the challenge. Most of my sections lined up and I was very happy that I did it.
    Thank So!

  95. I'm doing a second year of 365 Challenge Quilt.

  96. I've done QAL's before, but NO MORE this year, I'm BOOKED with commissions. Your block challenged me and I'm grateful it came out beautiful! Wunderbar!

  97. I'm doing the Fat quarter shop's charity quilt along.

  98. Yes, I've joined another quilt-a-long. It's the Murder Mystery Quilt from whip-stitch.com. Interesting cause you get a block a month and a chapter a month and an extra clue if you post your block to their page. You can only solve the murder by completing the quilt!

  99. No, not planning on doing another quilt a long until I finish my Splendid Sampler!

  100. I'm involved in 3 QAL - just started two of them and am working on completing The Splendid Sampler QAL. I LOVE your "Balls in the Air" block, by the way. I had so much fun making it. It's one of the few that I didn't have to make twice just to get it right.

  101. Love QAL - so inpressed with all the creative people! Working on Maureen's QAL right now! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  102. I enjoy the challenge of a quilting group. Right now I am working on the 365 Day Challenge that started on January 1.

  103. Thank you for your wonderful block yours was my favourite of them all, it only took me 10 hours to make!! lol but it turned out gorgeous! I am in the solstice and sweet and simple sew alongs with my friends I have made from the SS. 😁

  104. I'm not doing another quilt along next- I'm trying to complete some unfinished things before I begin another one.

  105. This is my first QAL and I think the Splindid Sampler has everything I need to grow my quilting skills. All the designers have created wonderful pieces of art that I would love to create ☺

  106. Haloo pak^^

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