Friday, July 19, 2013

Let´s get Acquainted Blog Hop!

Hi, so glad to meet you on the Let´s Get Acquainted Blog Hopping tour hosted by the wonderful Beth. Some of you know me already since I´m blogging for four month now ;-), so glad you are here. And for the new ones - I am so happy that you found my blog.
You can find me also on Flickr and Instgram as Nilya2011.

Hi, so schön, dich hier auf der Let´s Get Acquainted Blog Hopping Tour von Beth zu treffen. Einige kennen mich schon, da ich ja immerhin schon vier Monate Blogger ;-), toll, dass ihr wieder da seid. Und für die, die neu bei mir sind: Ich bin froh, dass ihr den Weg zu meinem kleinen blog gefunden habt.Ihr findet mich auch auf Flickr und Instagram als Nilya2011.
I would never have thought, that this would be so much fun to me. And because I am a very fast and impatient person my blog was a very quick decision and according to my flickr-name I used my fist name in the one direction and backword ayliN-Nilya, so not much of a secret behind this.

Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass mir das Bloggen so viel Spaß machen könnte. Und weil ich eine sehr ungeduldige und schnelle Person bin, war die Entscheidung über meinen blog schnell getroffen und analog zum Flickr-Account auch der Name festgelegt: Aylin hin und Aylin zurück = Aylin-Nilya, also nicht Geheimnisvolles.

Beth gave us some hints to write about and I picked some of these themes.

Beth hat uns ein paar Tipps gegeben, worüber wir so schreiben könnten und ich habe ein paar der Themen rausgepickt.

I am a mom of a wonderful cute and active daghter (11), working daytime as a financial controller and usig my maths ;-) on pattern and sewing in my spare time. I live in Berlin/Germany, the most beautiful city of the world - so that´s why I write my post in two languages.

Ich habe eine tolle sehr aktive und klevere Tochter (11), arbeite tagsüber als Controllerin und nutze meine Logik für´s Nähen in meiner freien Zeit. Ich lebe in Berlin, der schönsten Stadt auf der Welt und für den Rest der Welt versuche ich mich noch in Englisch ;-).

I started obsessively quilting a bit more then two years ago. I was lucky that a mother of my daughters schoolmate asked me to join the first meeting of the Berlin Modern Quilt Guild, that´s how they caught me. They came up with words like Charm Pack, Fat Quarter... and I had the feeling I need a vocabulary book ;-).

Obsessives Nähen hat mich vor gut zwei Jahre eingenommen. Ich hatte Glück, über die Mutter eine Mitschülerin meiner Tochter zum ersten Treffen der BerlinModernQuiltGuild mit genommen zu werden, so haben sie mich gekriegt! Da wurde mit Worten um sich geworfen wie Charm Pack, Fat Quarter... mein erster Gedanke war, hier brauche ich ein Wörterbuch ;-).

Started sewing clothes for my dolls when I was eleven and for me as a student, but sewing is like riding a bike, you don´t unlearn it :). So it was easy to start quilting and I dived into this modern quilting world by Quilt Alongs and swaps. I learned so much the last two years about pattern, colors and so on with these swaps, QAL and bees.

Angefangen hat das ganze mit Puppenkleider mit elf und dann mit Klamotten für mich, aber Nähen ist wie Fahrradfahren, man verlernt es nicht :). So war es auch nach einer sehr langen Nähpause einfach ins Quilten zu starten. Ich habe in den letzten zwei Jahren so viel gelernt über Schnittmuster, Farben und so bei all den Swaps und QAL und Bees, die ich seitdem mitgemacht habe.

And this is my latest finish which I made just before starting mz journey to London.

Und hier ist mein aktuellstes Stueck, dass kurx vor dem Abflug nach London ferig wurde.
So now I am here in London for the FQ-Retreat which starts today. I will tell you more about it the next days.

So und nun bin ich sogar in London beim FQ-Retreat, der heute losgeht. Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen mehr berichten.

I am so proud to announce my first QAL called {Big} City Girl QAL with lots of fantastic talented Ladies showing their very own City Block. Amy from During Quiet Time is Hosting this QAL with me. It´s going to be fantastic - so come over and join us. Read more about it here!!!

Ich bin so stolz, meinen ersten QAL, den {Big} City Girl QAL vorzustellen. Eine Menge talentierter Quilterinnen aus der ganzen Welt zeigen ihren eigenen City-Block. Amy von During Quiet Time hosted den QAL mit mir. Es wird super - also kommt doch rüber und macht mit. Lest mehr dazu hier!!!
I have three little tutorials on my blog. It´s how about sewing a sleepingbag pouch, sewing the Pojagi way and improved curves. So if you like, give them a try and tell me about it.

Ihr könnt drei kleine Anleitungen auf meinem blog finden, wie man ein Schläfsäckchen-Schlampermäppchen näht, wie man nach Pojagi Art näht und improvisierte Kurven.

My favorites (most of them don´t live with me anymore):

Meine Favoriten (das Meiste davon, ist nicht mehr in meinen Händen):

My Goals for the next three month:

Meine Ziele für die nächsten drei Monate:

I wrote some sentences about me here too, just in case you want more :)

Ich hab hier noch ein paar mehr Infos zu mir, falls ihr noch mehr wollt :)

Please hop over to the other gorgeous bloggers of this week:

Bitte schaut doch auch bei den anderen wunderbaren Bloggern dieser Woche vorbei:

     Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures
     Alison @ Making Happyness
     Ella and Nesta @ Ella & Nesta's Little Room
     Adrienne @ Chezzetcook Modern Quilts
     Nicole @ Modern Handcraft
     Aylin @ AyliN-Nilya (me)
     Kelsey and Amanda @ Everyday Fray

Thank´s for stopping by... / Danke für´s Vorbeischauen...



  1. Thank you for the introduction even though I've been following you for a while! I love your latest quilt and I hope we will see more of it when you get back from the FQ retreat!

  2. Auch für mich viel neues über dich :)

  3. It has been sew nice to meet you through the hop this summer, Aylin! Thanks for sharing this post and all your quilty pics! I love your latest finished top, but am very curious... What does it say? Congrats on your {Big} City Girl QAL ! Sounds like fun!


  4. Your latest quilt, with words, is beyond fabulous. I love the colours and fabric. It is great to learn more about you and see more of your great work.

    1. Answer to a no-reply-Blogger:
      Thanks so much, your comment made my Day :-)

  5. So very nice to meet you! I know that your retreat will be fun!

  6. Der Buchstabenquilt ist einfach schön. Der ist etwas ganz Besonderes! Er gefällt mir sehr gut.

  7. So many pretty things! You do great work. I love the word quilt-beautiful!

  8. Hi Aiylan! It is very nice to meet you! I love all your projects. You are very busy. i hope you are enjoying The FQ Retreat! I am a new follower.
    have fun
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  9. Nice to meet you! You projects are fabulous :) I especially love that hexie pillow.

    Have fun at the retreat! I wish I was there! :)

  10. Very nice to meet you! Thanks for sharing your fun projects!

  11. I just love your style, and I was really excited to hear about your quilt-along. I don't think I'll be able to add another project, but I'm looking forward to following along!

  12. Very nice to meet you - I really love the scrappy letters quilt, it looks so comfy and sweet on that bed. Wonderful projects - thank you for sharing!

  13. I have enjoyed reading your post and learning about you. I will check out the Big City quiltalong - it sounds neat. I visited Berlin in 2010 and agree it is an amazing city - so much to see that I will have to come back as I have only just begun to experience it. Your projects are very pretty and I am sure I have seen some of the photos on Flickr before when looking for inspiration. I will be back to visit!

  14. Nice to meet you Aylin - I know you from flickr but now I'm definitely adding your blog to my reader! My instagram feed was full of photos from FQR all weekend - it looked like everyone was having an amazing time! Can't wait to read your post all about it :-)

  15. wonderful to meet you through the hop! your projects are so colorful and fun! Your quilt with all of the letters is really cool!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  16. How fun! I started following your blog a few weeks ago at the beginning of the hop; it is so fun to read blogs from other countries. I am really excited about the new QAL and I am hoping I have time to participate. I am afraid I haven't been to very many exciting cities, but I am hoping to make blocks that are special to me even if the cities aren't that exciting to some people :)

  17. It's nice to meet you Ailyn! My sister had a foreign exchange student from Germany live with her for a year. They still keep in touch, and she spent last summer in Germany with his family. :) Great makes!

  18. Hi! I love that this quilt community is global! Your work is fun and lovely! (Wow...all those flying geese!!). I am jealous about the retreat in London! Two things I would love to do...tour London and attend a FQ Retreat! I look forward to your report!

  19. It's so nice to get to meet you through the blog hop! I've always thought German was a lovely language, and I'll have to visit your blog often and practice my reading skills :) I hope you're having a fantastic time at the FQ retreat--so jealous!

  20. How nice to get to know you better! Your curved projects are simply stunning and I can't wait follow along with the City Girl QAL :)

  21. Nice to meet another fellow Quilting Accountant! I am a controller for a company as well. It is just great to be able to "play" with fabric after a long day with the numbers! You have made some really great projects!

  22. So lovely to read a bit more about you. I've not looked at your blog until today, though, I have "known" you for some time. Weren't you the recipient of the pin cushion caddy I made for a Flickr swap? Purple and gray?

    1. Answer to an no- reply- Blogger: thanks, yes, we have this Pin Fusion, which is Quiet more, because i Depositen all my sizzors in it, in love with it :-)

  23. Love all the fresh bright colors! Glad to be a new follower :)

  24. Great color choices in all of your projects! You know I love a rainbow! :-) Great to meet you on the blog hop!

  25. Your Big City Girl QAL sounds interesting- I'll be having another look at that!

  26. Hi, Nice to meet you. You have made some lovely things.

  27. Wunderbar....Great collection of things you made. I agree that the blog hop has been a whole lot of fun.

    1. My answer Mail came back: here again...thanks sooo much!

  28. Hi, I always enjoy stopping by your make such lovely things, I especially love the letters quilt it looks fantastic :)

  29. It's so great to read more about your and see more of your projects! Thank you for sharing. :) Do you have a translation to your word quilt? It's stunning work!

  30. So nice to meet you! I love the rainbow hexagon pillow you made. It is stunning!You QAL looks like fun I will have to check it out some more!

  31. So lovely to meet you! Your work is gorgeous, and FQ retreat in London? Who is jealous? ME!! Have a great time!

  32. So wonderful to meet you. I love the look of your word quilt - and everything else you have made!

  33. I am still in awe of your word quilt! I think it is so inspiring. I also think it is a MAJOR accomplishment to write a bilingual blog. So glad to have found your blog through the hop!

  34. Your word quilt is amazing! I wonder if I sat next to you at FQR without even realising it?!

  35. Have fun at the Fat Quarterly retreat! That sounds like such a good time. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your QAL.

  36. Wow your projects are lovely. I love Berlin, it is such an amazing city. I have been twice at Christmas time - the atmosphere and markets were incredible. Excellent blog hop post, so glad to have found your blog!

  37. oh, i love all of your pillows! they are stunning!!!!! i love and bright and cheerful your work is, i might be copying one of those pillows soon! :)

  38. Love all your projects. Big city girl QAL sounds like fun. Lovely to meet you.

  39. I really like your latest finish, the scrappy lettering looks lovely. I hope you had a lovely time at the fat quarter retreat. Looks like there were lots of wonderful quilty goodies there. So nice to meet you - visiting from the blog hop.

  40. Awesome quilt! I hope you had fun in London! I am following! You are very talented!

  41. Lovely work! Your quilting looks nice too. I think I could use some of your math skills:)

  42. I love the quilt made with the letter blocks. The Big City Girl QAL sounds like fun.

  43. I always swoon over your Flickr photos so I was thrilled when you started a blog! Its great getting to know you a litter better :)

  44. I just love all your projects! I get so inspired by you! I can't wait for your QAL to start!

  45. I've seen your projects around Flickr, so it's so nice to meet you via the hop and get a "face" to the projects!

  46. Nice to meet you! Guten Tag (that's the extent of my German language skills) I've seen a lot of your beautiful projects around the internet and flickr before. Sorry I'm a week behind on my hoppin'.

  47. You are so talented! I love your favorites-they would be my favorites too-some of them I'd already seen of Flickr, so it's nice to put a name with the work! Thanks for sharing :)

  48. You are outrageously talented. I'll have what you're having any day. The end ;)


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